Eitan Levin
Graduate student in Applied and Computational Math at Caltech, advised by Venkat Chandrasekaran and Joel Tropp.
I'm interested in the interplay between geometry, symmetry, and optimization, and its application to data science.
Links: CV, Google Scholar, GitHub, ORCID.
Email: eitanl@caltech.edu
Free descriptions of convex sets
with Venkat Chandrasekaran. Submitted. 2023.
[code] [slides]Any-dimensional equivariant neural networks
with Mateo Díaz. AISTATS. 2024.
[journal] [code] [poster]The effect of smooth parametrizations on nonconvex optimization landscapes
with Joe Kileel and Nicolas Boumal. Mathematical Programming. 2024.
[journal] [slides]Finding stationary points on bounded-rank matrices: A geometric hurdle and a smooth remedy
with Joe Kileel and Nicolas Boumal. Mathematical Programming. 2023.
[journal]Towards optimization on varieties
Undergraduate senior thesis. Princeton University. 2020.
[DataSpace]A note on Douglas-Rachford, gradients, and phase retrieval
with Tamir Bendory. arXiv:1911.13179. 2019.Multi-target detection with application to cryo-electron microscopy
with Tamir Bendory, Nicolas Boumal, William Leeb, and Amit Singer. Inverse Problems. 2019.
[journal] [code]Toward single particle reconstruction without particle picking: Breaking the detection limit
with Tamir Bendory, Nicolas Boumal, William Leeb, and Amit Singer. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 2023.
[journal] [code]3D ab initio modeling in cryo-EM by autocorrelation analysis
with Tamir Bendory, Nicolas Boumal, Joe Kileel, and Amit Singer. 2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018). 2018. Best student paper.
[journal] [code]Direct reconstruction of two-dimensional currents in thin films from magnetic-field measurements
with Alexander Meltzer and Eli Zeldov. Physical Review Applied. 2017.
[journal] [code]Stopping criterion for iterative regularization of large-scale ill-posed problems using the Picard parameter
with Alexander Meltzer. arXiv:1707.04200. 2017.
[code]Estimation of the regularization parameter in linear discrete ill-posed problems using the Picard parameter
with Alexander Meltzer. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 2017.
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